If you’re looking for some useful apps to help with your gardening, then take a look at these 5 apps that can assist you in your garden.

PictureThis® identifies 1,000,000+ plants every day with 98% accuracy-better than most human experts. Get your gardening questions answered and become a “green thumb” with the plant identification power of PictureThis!
iOS: PictureThis – Plant Identifier
Android: PictureThis – Plant Identifier

When using Gardenize you’re creating your very own index feed of your plants, areas and cultivations, you get a historic overview of everything that has happened in your garden – searchable and nicely packaged with images and dates.
iOS: GARDENIZE Plant Care & Journal
Android: Gardenize: Plant Care & Diary

With SmartPlant you can discover and care for plants for free. Identify and browse thousands of plants, add the plants you love and relax while we give you the info you need to look after them.
iOS: SmartPlant: Plants Made Simple
Android: SmartPlant: Plants Made Simple

Arrange your garden and learn how to grow vegetables with this garden planner!
Android: Planter: Garden Planner

Garden Answers is the revolutionary plant identification app that instantly identifies over 20,000 plants and gives you accurate and detailed information about it.
Android: GardenAnswers Plant Identifier