In a recent discussion, people shared the lifestyle changes and advice that have significantly improved their mental health. Their insights offer valuable perspectives on coping mechanisms and self-care strategies. Here are some of the highlights from their experiences:

Pipat Wongsawang / Getty Images
Prioritizing Sleep: A common thread was the importance of sleep. Good sleep hygiene was noted to be foundational for mental well-being.
Reducing Alcohol and Caffeine: Many found that cutting back on alcohol and caffeine led to better sleep and overall mental health.
Learning to Let Go: Developing the ability to say no, let go of trivial worries, and understand that others’ issues with you are their own to deal with.
Career and Relationship Changes: Significant improvements were noted after leaving stressful jobs or toxic relationships, including marriages.
Exercise: Despite the challenge of starting when feeling low, regular exercise was praised for its powerful impact on mental health.
Outdoor Cardio: Engaging in cardio activities, especially outdoors and in sunlight, was cited as a mood booster.
Healthy Work Environment: Working in a non-toxic environment where one isn’t constantly stressed or bullied was a game-changer for many.
Gratitude Practice: The simple act of reflecting on things to be grateful for each day was highlighted as a mood enhancer.
Healthy Social Circles: Removing oneself from friendships that were negative or unsupportive post-tragedy proved beneficial.
Regular Walks: Incorporating regular walks into daily routines was mentioned as a significant mood booster.
Accepting Bad Days: Recognizing that bad days are normal and a part of life was key in maintaining a balanced perspective.
Having Pets: The companionship and unconditional love from pets were noted as incredibly therapeutic.
Changing Media Consumption Habits: Some found peace in swapping social media and digital music for vinyl records, which offered a more mindful and immersive experience.
Detaching from Social Media: Many benefited from stepping away from social media and focusing less on others’ perceptions.