You have come to the right site if you’re looking for free illustrations. You’ll see various breathtaking illustrations that you can use for your app, website, or publication.
I am aware that it is dull, but you know what? Beautiful designs are available for free!!! Of the websites, four are mainly free.
Many Pixels

Source: Many Pixels
Manypixels is not 100% free. But be satisfied because their free tools are superior to some more expensive ones.
And if you like the artist, you can buy some other designs. Doesn’t that sound like a great deal?
Website: Many Pixels

Source: Awwwards
Skribbl is the same as Manypixels. But they have free versions too. Make sure that you are looking for the right one.
Website: Skribbl
On Fire Illustrations

Source: On Fire
Another website that is semi-free. Don’t worry! You are going to see a 100% free website too. But first, these.

Source: Olio
Olio has a great scene, character, and object illustrations. Even their free versions are enough for most things.

Skecthvalley is entirely free! They have various designs. I believe you can not even say, “I couldn’t find what I wanted.”
Make sure to tag the artist or source. You will make the artist happy.
Source: Sketchvalley Facebook
Website: Sketchvalley