10 Incredible Tornado Facts You Won’t Believe

A tornado is a violently rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground. Tornadoes are extremely destructive and can occur anywhere in the world. Here are facts about tornadoes that will blow you away!

10 Incredible Tornado Facts You Won’t Believe

1. Some tornadoes move incredibly quickly!

The majority of tornadoes have wind speeds under 100 mph, although extremely strong ones might exceed 300 mph. That is quicker than any Formula 1 race car!.

2. There are approximately 1000 tornadoes every year!

Around 1000 tornadoes occur annually, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. They originate from a group of clouds known as “supercells.”

3. Tornadoes are rated according to how much damage they cause!

A Fujita scale is used to quantify tornadoes. It ranges from F0 (little harm like tree branches breaking off) to F5 (major damage) (incredible damage such as cars flying through the air).

4. Tornadoes are gross!

Tornadoes are revolting. The wind is full with bacterially and fungally rich dirt that can penetrate deep into wounds and result in life-threatening illnesses. Make sure you get a thorough wash when you come home if you were caught in a tornado.

5. Tornadoes are clear to begin with!

A tornado is often transparent until it begins to gather dust and debris, at which point it transforms into a spinning pile of mud.

6. Tornadoes spin in different directions above and below the equator!

A tornado is often transparent until it begins to gather dust and debris, at which point it transforms into a spinning pile of mud.

7. One person was carried almost quarter of a mile!

The record for the farthest distance a person has been carried by a tornado belongs to Matt Suter of the United States. He was scooped up by a tornado in 2006 and dropped roughly a quarter mile distant.

8. A tornado on water is called a waterspout!

A tornado that forms over water is called a “waterspout”! They are typically less deadly and smaller than typical tornadoes. At times, two things can occur simultaneously. Do you know what their name is? Yes, you read that correctly: two waterspouts. Senses well.

9. The first recorded tornado took place in Ireland!

Ireland was home to the continent’s first tornado on record around 1000 years ago. On April 30, 1054, it happened in Rosdalla, County Westmeath, close to Kilbeggan.

10. Tornadoes aren’t fond of early starts!

Most tornadoes form between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. We wonder whether tornadoes attend school first.