Books are wonderful things. In addition to giving your life story, imagination and imagination room to roam, books are also a great form of entertainment and a great escape. But reading isn’t always convenient, and today it can be difficult to find the time to read. However, it can be difficult to find the right app for the job, so here are five apps every bookworm needs on their phones.

Modiface is the most popular digital makeover app that lets you try out different looks.
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Website: Bookly

Libby is a user-friendly way to borrow ebooks and audiobooks from your local library, and also to place holds if they’re not immediately available. If you’re out and about, you can stream your borrowed books using mobile data until you’re on WiFi, when they’ll be downloaded automatically. And no need to worry about late fees — your books will be returned automatically on their due date. The app was created by OverDrive, which also offers a student reading app.
Websites: Libby

Libib allows users to catalog all their media, including books, movies, music, and video games. You can also leave notes, import/export your libraries, and tag content. According to Amber, a Libib user, “It helps me keep track of the books/movies I already own, so I don’t duplicate purchases” and would also be helpful in case of an emergency that caused loss of that media.
Website: Libib

Readerly is new to the book discovery game, and with a fresh mission—not to sell books, they say, but to “help readers discover great books and support the creators, publishers, and booksellers who nourish the writer-to-reader chain.” Books are recommended by like-minded readers, and books that you interact with (i.e. save, hide, or mark as read) are removed from your feed to make more room for hidden gems. Oh, and they nixed the 5-star rating system.
Website: Readerly

Wattpad is a great place to discover writers, read some fanfiction, and interact with authors as they upload their stories in installments. There’s a free version, and there are lots of stories you can read without spending any money. You can browse by genre ; YA and romance are big there (and werewolf lit is its own category), but you’ll also find thrillers, mystery, nonfiction, poetry, and more! Read away, while helping new writers get discovered.
Website: Wattpad