13 Before&After Pics Of The Famous Cities Around The World

It’s hard to realize that your city changes when you live every day.  However, if you leave the city where you live even for a year, you will realize how much things have changed when you return.

Let’s take a look at how these big cities have evolved over the years and let’s take you back in time!

1. London, The Great Britain – 1920 And Now

Source: Slava Stepanov

2. Istanbul, Turkey – 1905 And Now

Source: Public Domain

3. Singapore – 1990s And Now

Source: AsianUrbanEpicentres

4. New York, Usa – 1962 And Now

5. Chicago, Usa 1937 And Now

6. Dubai, United Arab Emirates – 2000 And Now

Source: panoramio.com

7. Vilnius, Lithuania – 1900 And Now

Source: gidas.mb.vu.lt

8. Los Angeles, Usa – 1940 And Now

Source: BoredPanda

9. San Francisco, Usa – 1947 And Now

10. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil – 1930 And Now

11. Sydney, Australia – 1932 And Now

12. Athens, Greece – 1862 And Now

Source: Francis Bedford

13. Eiffel Tower, Paris- 1900s And Now

Source: FineArtAmerica & WallpaperUp