Reducing your carbon footprint is easier than ever with these five apps. From tracking your energy consumption to finding the best environmentally friendly products, these apps will help you live a more sustainable life.

You can keep your gardening game really strong with this app. All new farmers need to do is to write the names of everything that grows in their garden to this app, which will send alarms when you should water them also fertilization techniques, and pest prevention treatment can be found in the app.
The app also shares recipes using ingredients you grow on your garden.
Website: iHuerting

This app highlights their goals and provides a to-do list to help reduce poverty, fight climate change and combat inequality.
The app lists 17 sustainable development goals and how to achieve them. You can also personalize the app by choosing the goals, and the app sends notifications regarding them.
Additionally, you can stay updated with the latest news about sustainability from across the globe.
Websites: SDG

Olio works on sharing, caring, and wasting less and less. Buying new things increases your footprint, including the raw materials used in manufacturing products and the carbon emitted while transporting the final commodities.
Its goal is to purchase less. The app allows all near users to share their extra food or ingredients to combat that. Or even lending or borrowing household items to use for a while.
Website: OLIO

A 2018 study has shown that giving up dairy and meat entirely can reduce a person’s carbon footprint by 73 percent. The app offers vegan restaurants near you, helping you transform veganism into more accessible.
Website: HappyCow

Think Dirty help you track problematic ingredients in your skincare or makeup and analyze them on a scale by scanning the code. App carefully checks ingredients to give the product a rating from 0 to 10. You can find information on the safety, details, and certifications of products, and then moving forward you can decide whether you want to continue or stop using them.
You can even create shopping lists within the app to buy or save products for later.
Website: ThinkDirty