5 Incredible Science Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

Science is one of those subjects where individuals study and explore, putting their minds to the test and playing. Children of all ages are naturally intrigued. No matter our age, we are always fascinated by interesting facts about ordinary life and the vast mysteries of the cosmos.

In order to help students and adults understand more about the subject, below are some lesser-known scientific facts:

5 Incredible Science Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

1. A teaspoonful of neutron star

The remains of big stars that perished in a violent explosion known as a supernova are known as neutron stars. Neutron star masses and densities are typically expressed in terms of solar masses.

The tiniest and most massive stars known to exist in the cosmos, they have a mass that is around twice that of the sun (larger than 10 suns).

The density of a neutron star can be demonstrated by the weight of one teaspoon of mass, which would be approximately 6 billion tons.

2. Metals that explode when in contact with water

Some metals, including lithium, rubidium, cesium, potassium, and sodium, are reactive; they tarnish quickly when exposed to air and explode when put into water.

Due to the fact that the alkali metals only have one electron in their outer shell, they are eager to link with other elements in order to transfer this undesirable passenger.

They consequently combine with other elements so easily that they don’t naturally exist alone.

3. Hawaii is moving closer to Alaska by 7.5cm every year

Yes! Tectonic plates, which are constantly moving as a result of rising and falling currents beneath them, are to blame for this.

Hawaii continues to be at the center of the Pacific plate, and as a result of this yearly movement, it is slowly making its way back to Alaska on the North American platform.

4. Sunflowers are known as hyperaccumulators

Sunflowers extract metal compounds from the soil’s depths and transfer them to the stem, leaves, and flower head, just like many other hyperaccumulating plants.

They are skilled at extracting radioactive metals from a specific location in a matter of 3–4 years and can take up significant concentrations of dangerous elements.

During a procedure known as phytoremediation, hyperaccumulating plants are employed to remove waste.

5. A cockroach can live for up to one week without its head

Cockroaches are infamous for their tenacity and are often pointed to as the most possible nuclear war refugees.

Due to their open circulatory system, and the fact that they breathe through little holes in each of their body segments, they are not dependent on the mouth or head to breathe.


The roach only dies because without a mouth, it cannot drink water and dies of thirst.