Do you want to know how frequently airplane interiors are cleaned or where the food is sourced? After years in the business, flight attendants have seen it all and are ready to share all the insider information they’ve acquired. It’s about time to feel more appropriately prepared because flying is supposed to be enjoyable. Here’s your sneak glimpse at the inner workings of the airline industry if you’re ready to learn what’s been hidden for so long.
Think Twice Before Asking For Diet Coke

Of course, one of the highlights of a flight is when the flight attendants pass by with the free soda, coffee, tea, and sometimes even cookies on the food and beverage cart. As bizarre as it may sound, when consumers order Diet Coke, flight attendants find it quite annoying. It’s because at an elevation of 35,000 feet, the effervescent fizz in a Diet Coke takes a while to settle. Diet Coke must therefore be poured more slowly than any other beverage on the plane. Naturally, Diet Coke will still be given to you regardless of the flight attendant’s preference; it’s just something intriguing to keep in mind.
Flight Attendants Are Assessing You Once You Step Foot on the Plane

Do you believe that the flight crew’s greeting you as you enter the aircraft is just a courteous formality? Well, the majority of people believe that this practice is done to make passengers feel at ease and to demonstrate how hospitable the flight attendants are. It is somewhat true, however the crew members also take advantage of this to examine the guests and scan for anything unusual or suspect. A better understanding of passengers who might be difficult or who might be intoxicated can be gained from the welcome.
There Are Policies Against Dating Passengers

You might find it shocking, but a lot of major airlines don’t have a formal policy barring passengers and flight attendants getting along. Unfortunately, it happens more frequently for flight attendants that they are trying to intentionally avoid unwelcome attention from creepy passengers. There are no rules prohibiting a flight attendant from meeting a potential partner or perhaps the love of their life, but occasionally sparks do fly. While flight attendants may be more concerned with their work than meeting potential partners on a flight, when love calls, why miss the chance?
Your Pets Can Fly Too

The best method for taking pets on airplanes has been the subject of constant discussion. There is no doubt that traveling with your furry friends may be a difficult experience. It is best to do your homework in advance and confirm that your airline will take your dog. Pets may be transported in designated areas of the cargo hold that are maintained at the same temperature and atmospheric pressure as the cabin. But don’t worry, having your dog in your lap or, if they fit, the seat next to you, is also fairly common.
The Water Is Not as Clean as You’d Think

Researchers warn travelers not to consume any water while flying. What about the drinkable water used for tea and coffee, though? Additionally, many flight attendants advise sticking to bottled water or other drinks alone. This is due to the fact that the water used to make the coffee and tea on board comes from tanks that aren’t regularly cleaned. Even many large airlines tested their water and discovered the presence of E. coli and coliform bacteria. The next time you’re thirsty during your flight, it’s probably best to request a water bottle!
The Airplane Food Can Be Very Unhealthy

Right, ignorance can be lovely at times. You may have been curious about the nutritional value of the prepackaged food offered to travelers during their travels. The food is frequently processed and frequently doesn’t contain fresh ingredients, which wouldn’t be able to last well on a lengthy journey. It turns out that these meals served during flights are typically quite bad for you because they are essentially nutritionally worthless. They often lack flavor and are laden with fat, sugar, salt, and carbohydrates. If you are a frequent traveler or are concerned about your health, we strongly advise you to eat before boarding.
The Job Doesn’t Pay Very Well

Many people have the idea that flight attendants have very glitzy lives. On the work, they get the opportunity to travel the globe, see new areas, frequent hotels, and eat at restaurants. The truth is, though, that they frequently have incredibly busy schedules and are perpetually quite busy. They are allegedly only paid after the main cabin doors have closed, thus they are similarly impacted by delays and cancellations. Because they are paid according to scheduled flight times, flight attendants are only compensated for the actual five hours spent on board if a flight is delayed by five.
Everyone Wants an Upgrade, but Not Everyone Gets It

In the world of air travel, getting an upgrade is like winning the lottery. No one can guarantee they will always receive an upgrade, but this information will give you some idea of how they are picked. For reasons of weight and balance, flight attendants occasionally need to shuffle passengers. To redistribute weight, this entails shifting passengers from the back of the plane to the front cabin classes. Therefore, it is always a good idea to reserve seats at the plane’s rear. You will now be the first to know if somebody needs to be moved to first class!
Turning Off Your Cell Phone Isn’t That Necessary

Let’s be clear about one thing: if you forget to turn your phone off or forget to put it in airplane mode, the plane won’t suddenly come down. Simply put, flight attendants ask passengers to turn off their electronic gadgets because they might potentially interfere with air control frequencies. It is recommended to turn it off specifically during takeoff and landing for this reason. It can probably wait, even if your aunt is calling to see how you’re doing or you want to watch one more Tik-Tok video.
Those Blankets and Pillows On-Board Aren’t as Clean as You Think

It cannot be disputed that airplane amenities like pillows, blankets, and headphones are not properly cleaned after each usage. Airlines don’t spend money on buying fresh amenities for passengers on every flight, even though they are repackaged with plastic wrap. Experts claim that the tray tables are the dirtiest component of an airplane. So hopefully knowing that your sleeping surface isn’t as bad as your eating surface will give you some comfort. However, you’re less likely to receive brand-new blankets and pillows in the coach class, so it’s probably best to bring your own.
You Can Tip Your Flight Attendant

The majority of people are unaware that you may tip a flight attendant! They would gladly take them, but it is by no means necessary. One flight attendant even said, “I’ll see what I can do to take care of you if you offer me a gift or even your used magazines.” It’s the thought that counts, and it may be very effective. You might even get some free goodies from them. Why not give your next flight’s attendants a tip because most service personnel receive them?
There’s a Reason Safety Protocols Are Demonstrated Each Flight

The reason that the same safety precautions are discussed at the start of every flight is because they have been shown to be effective, as some individuals may have noticed. Do you recall the safety instructions on using an oxygen mask and bracing for a collision? While the flight attendants are explaining these processes, the majority of passengers choose to sleep or listen to music, yet they are essential for your safety. These strategies actually save lives because of how vital they are. Have you ever questioned whether the turbulence on a plane is risky? It’s preferable to just buckle up and wait it out because it happens frequently and won’t hurt the aircraft.
Flight Attendants Are Trained for Any Emergency

Have you ever wondered what happens in the event of an emergency medical situation aboard a plane? The flight attendants have had sufficient training to serve as first responders, so there! If necessary, they can perform CPR or the Heimlich maneuver. Additionally, there are first aid supplies and defibrillators on board any aircraft carrying more than thirty people. Some airplanes even have a feature called “MedLink” that allows the flight crew to speak with a doctor on the ground in order to get guidance. Additionally, the cabin crew always inquires if there is a doctor on board whenever there is an emergency. According to research, there are doctors onboard up to 70% of all commercial flights, so the likelihood of seeing one is fairly high.
Think Twice Before Getting Drunk on a Flight

Most people are thrilled to see the miniature alcohol bottles on their journey, but even on an airplane, drinking may sometimes go too far. A flight attendant has the right to cut you off without warning if she believes you are becoming a little buzzed. It’s because it’s against the law to consume alcohol while flying! It is against the rules for flight attendants to give already inebriated passengers more drink. And they risk severe consequences if they are discovered. You may be charged with a crime and given a protracted federal prison sentence if you cause a significant disturbance while intoxicated while flying. It’s also beneficial to be aware that each drink of alcohol can significantly worsen your condition due to the fluctuating cabin pressure.
Virtual Reality Art

A sky or air marshall defends crew members and passengers from any criminal or terrorist attacks while they are on board a civil aircraft. You might have seen the movie Non-Stop, in which a US air marshal receives threatening texts demanding that his airline pay $150,000,000 right now to an offshore account. Air marshals must go unnoticed, just like Liam Neeson does in this film, and you really shouldn’t be able to spot one on your flight. Even though you might assume that every flight would have an air marshal, only about 5% of flights actually do.
Flight Attendants Must Meet Certain Beauty Standards

However, airlines keep harping on the requirement that flight attendants dress professionally. To ensure that the flight crew can readily carry out all of their responsibilities, they even have height limitations.
Plane Seats Really Are Getting Smaller

Many individuals have complained that airplane seats are much too small; in fact, it seems as though they are getting smaller with time. That’s not really a lie, though. In addition to the seats themselves being about 16 inches instead of 18, the amount of legroom has decreased from an average of 35 inches to just 31 inches. In order to boost revenues, airlines can now pack more passengers onto a plane than ever before. Airlines will soon start requesting passengers’ height and weight because, if the seats are only getting smaller, no one can keep booking them and expecting to fit.
Here’s the Safest Place to Sit on a Plane

The back seats of the plane have the highest survival rates, according to information from studies of aviation accidents. This information is so precise that it even demonstrates that the back third of the plane, as opposed to the front or center rows, has the highest probability of surviving. Additionally, your odds are higher if you are in an aisle seat or close to an exit. No matter which seat you choose, if you don’t buckle up, your odds of survival drastically decrease. Despite the fact that this information is absolutely horrifying, the US government contends that the majority of aviation
Planes All Over the World Get Struck by Lightning Almost Daily

Actually, lightning strikes on airplanes happen quite frequently. Although it may seem frightening, your flight crew is accustomed to it. In truth, modern airplanes are built to resist lightning strikes and put through a number of tests to confirm this. The lights might briefly flicker, but everything will be alright in the end. Therefore, if the weather is bad, don’t be afraid to fly! Even if the plane is hit, it goes through a thorough inspection to make sure everything is in working order when it reaches its destination.
Pilots Have The Ultimate Authority

In an airplane, the pilots have the utmost power and authority. This involves command choices, managing potentially disruptive passengers, and managing the aircraft crew. There is a myth that claims there is little you can do if a passenger on a flight is bothersome. Actually, a pilot can make an arrest while the plane is in the air, then notify the appropriate authorities to have the suspect detained until the plane lands. Since they have to interact with air traffic control and keep an eye on the plane while managing hundreds of lives, pilots must complete extensive training in order to be qualified for their position.
This Is the Best Time to Travel By Plane

The majority of travelers are flight crews, thus they are the experts on the optimum times to fly. The unfortunate news is that you’ll need to get up early. Although there is no assurance, it is reported that flights in the morning experience less turbulence, which results in fewer flight cancellations or reschedules. The airport typically presents less of a burden. Even less likely are thunderstorms or other weather-related difficulties that affect your flight. The two best days of the week to fly are Tuesday or Wednesday, according to the general rule. Since fewer people choose to travel during the week, it usually ends up being the least expensive and crowded option.
Planes Don’t Carry That Much Gas

When it comes to extra fuel, airplanes are only permitted to carry enough for a 45-minute flight, contrary to popular belief. That raises some alarm, but it turns out that’s because carrying more fuel would make the plane much heavier and cause it to emit more carbon dioxide. Therefore, it is better to carry the bare minimum to avoid this. The jet simply has to refuel more regularly in this situation! Fortunately, fuel exhaustion is not a frequent occurrence, so it need not be a cause for alarm. You don’t need to be concerned as you keep flying in the welcoming skies.
The Crew Members Usually Skip the Airplane Food

You know they generally have different meals in the cockpit, right? Airlines occasionally want to differentiate the meals between pilots and co-pilots, despite the fact that there is no stated rule by aviation authorities. The justification for this is that it’s preferable to have one healthy pilot than two sick ones, in the unlikely event that the pilots contracted food poisoning. Although they are frequently given the same food options as the passengers, flight attendants frequently choose to bring their own food with them. Packing your own food for your next trip isn’t necessarily a bad idea because airline food isn’t exactly known for being gourmet.
Flight Attendants Go Through Extensive Training

Believe it or not, there was a time when flight attendants would only offer customers food and drinks. However, those times are long over! Today, they must undergo extensive training and be able to manage a variety of safety-related situations in addition to waiting on passengers. Currently, CPR, AED, EpiPen, and defibrillator administration training is provided to flight attendants. Knowing that they would be ready in case of a medical emergency on board is undoubtedly reassuring. To deal with rowdy passengers, flight attendants are also given self-defense training. As well as having all the information required for a failed hijack attempt or emergency evacuation of the aircraft.
The Brace Position Myth

Let’s discuss the myth around the brace position now. Do you recall the position in which you slouch in your chair with your head between your legs and your hands on your neck? So, whether the impact is on land or sea, the commercial aviation security procedures always advise passengers to take this particular stance to brace themselves. Despite the fact that there are many conspiracies that claim this stance actually hastens death, The good news is that experts disagree and claim it is entirely safe. The goal of this brace position, according to doctors, is to condense the body so that your essential organs are shielded from harm.
The Most Stolen Item From Airplanes

Unexpectedly, life vests are the most frequently stolen item from flights! Do you understand the emergency pre-flight protocols that all of the flight attendants practice? That does, however, offer the instruction on how to use your life jacket to keep you afloat. People are apparently not using it as intended because an increasing number of flights are experiencing disappearances. The next time, you might want to double check that your flotation gear is present before the plane takes off!
Don’t do it if you’re thinking of taking one of them! When a genuine emergency arises, it is strictly necessary, and how awful would it be if there weren’t enough?
Budget-Friendly Airlines Are Just as Safe

If you’ve ever taken a flight on a low-cost carrier, you might have questioned if saving money on a ticket also means taking a chance with your security. Thankfully, you can unwind because you don’t need to worry about anything like this! Your safety is guaranteed just as it would be for a full-price ticket because airlines never compromise passenger safety when setting ticket prices. Airlines frequently alter other features like seat preferences, baggage costs, and legroom amenities for cheap airline tickets in order to increase revenue.
Do Not Lean on the Window

The majority of customers adore the window seats! Additionally, if you are sitting by a window, you will probably rest your head against it. You might want to reconsider, though. The windows are never cleaned, and there are tons of germs on them, according to a flight attendant! Many passengers lean their heads against the windows, and kids constantly smear themselves with their hands. Everyone’s favorite seat is now gone, therefore it would be best to avoid it going forward. Or even better, just carry some cleaning supplies and disinfect the area as soon as you get on the plane!
You’re Mostly Flying on Autopilot

You might be shocked to learn that pilots turn on autopilot for roughly 90% of commercial flights if you’ve ever wondered how frequently the feature is actually used during flights. Pilots are still very much present, so don’t panic; this is nothing to worry about. Additionally, they are in complete charge of the flight’s most crucial phases, including takeoff, landing, and gate taxing. The autopilot is only used during the flight’s cruising phases, which enables the pilot to concentrate on other activities like communication and navigation.
Here’s Where All the Unused Food Goes

It would probably be better if you didn’t know the answer if you’ve ever wondered what happens to all the leftover food from a flight. We’ll inform you anyhow since you’re already here. Some airlines just discard all of the leftover food, which is awful and incredibly wasteful because it might have gone to food banks or homeless shelters. One travel catering specialist asserts that flights only provide fresh food that has been produced between 12 and 72 hours in advance. However, given that many airlines want to save as much money as they can, it would not be surprising if they served you any of the old food. Still, it doesn’t seem that horrible to bring your own meals on board.
It’s Hard to Get Comfortable

Some individuals get nightmares at the very prospect of riding in a pressurized cabin with a ton of strangers, and it’s definitely not always fun. However, the aviation industry makes an effort to give passengers the most comfortable flight possible. We have benefited greatly from inventions like eye masks and neck pillows. Flying is never pleasant enough, though, unless you’re in first class. Although you can stand up briefly to stretch your legs, the area is generally confined. To feel more at home, some people like to take off their shoes and socks, but we think that’s kind of gross, so maybe not.
There’s a Secret Code the Crew Uses to Communicate

Yes, all flight attendants have mind-reading abilities. How else do you suppose they conversed? The flying crew does, in fact, use a code for secret communications. When they want to speak with one another about something that they don’t want other people to understand, they employ this. The majority of the time, they employ certain codes to communicate what is happening since they don’t want to incite panic among the passengers.
During your flight, you might hear some beeping sounds that are not just random call buttons. The “dings” are reportedly used during takeoff and landing to inform the crew that everything is fine because the riskiest parts of the flight have passed. There are additional bells.
Breathing the Plane Air May Seem Concerning

Yes, all flight attendants have mind-reading abilities. How else do you suppose they conversed? The flying crew does, in fact, use a code for secret communications. When they want to speak with one another about something that they don’t want other people to understand, they employ this. The majority of the time, they employ certain codes to communicate what is happening since they don’t want to incite panic among the passengers.
During your flight, you might hear some beeping sounds that are not just random call buttons. The “dings” are reportedly used during takeoff and landing to inform the crew that everything is fine because the riskiest parts of the flight have passed. There are additional bells.
Why Flight Attendants Turn Off The Cabin Lights During Takeoff and Landing

You may have always assumed that the lights dim during your trip to provide the passengers a more relaxed atmosphere, but it turns out that’s not the reason for it. The reason for reducing the cabin lights on commercial aircraft is far more important. I’ll give you a hint here: It has a lot to do with the fact that most aircraft have accidents or issues, usually during takeoff and landing. The main goal of doing this is to give your eyes time to acclimate to low light in case of an emergency. The exit and emergency signs are illuminated and made more obvious if a scenario called for a rapid escape.
Sometimes Relationships Between Crew Members Brew

Do the crew members ever develop bonds with one another? The short answer is yes; in fact, it’s pretty typical. Although it might sound a little cliched, flight attendants and pilots have had plenty of amorous encounters. After all, the flight crew spends a lot of time together, including long hours and consecutive days. It is expected that they will finally find solace in one another. A romance between a pilot and a flight attendant would make a sweet love story.
The Reason Behind Expensive Flights

We sincerely don’t blame travelers for constantly muttering under their breath about how much flights are getting more and more expensive. After all, it seems like airlines always tack on exorbitant fees to practically everything. Did you realize that the majority of an airline’s revenue comes from seat and luggage fees? An airplane must be flown at least 85% full in order for an airline to break even on a ticket sale. Additionally, airlines frequently overbook flights because they need a certain number of passengers to turn a profit, and doing so can ensure they reach that number in the event that passengers fail to arrive for their flight.
The Flight Crew Has a Hidden Sleeping Area

Flight crews frequently have busy schedules and are unable to always take a nap. Of course, they need to sleep because they are also humans like the rest of us. The majority of domestic flights do not allow passengers to take naps, but long-haul flights are a little different. For instance, the flight crew gets a unique sleeping cabin on a Boeing 777 or 787 aircraft.
Additionally, there are dedicated sleeping areas and relaxation times for pilots, which are often outside of the cockpit. The co-pilot takes over when the pilot needs to catch some much-needed rest!
Extra Bags Don’t Make a Difference

The fact that you can only bring a specific number of baggage on an aircraft is a common source of annoyance for frequent travelers. Additionally, there are additional fees per bag that you must pay, which may get rather pricey. But all of this is done for safety reasons, right? In actuality, a few additional pounds won’t bring the plane down. In fact, the majority of airplanes are built so that they can easily accommodate one extra suitcase per passenger!
However, the aviation sector must maintain a weight balance on the aircraft to guarantee the proper center of gravity for takeoff. Sandbags are loaded into the plane’s cargo to balance the weight distribution.
It’s Important to Be Nice to the Flight Attendants

Perhaps it should go without saying, but be kind to others. The best thing you can do, even if they are strangers, is to be kind to the people in your life. It can definitely work in your favor, especially if you are kind to your flight attendant. Aircraft attendants usually have to run from flight to flight without taking breaks throughout their long jobs. Making their day by being a polite passenger may even result in a free upgrade. It’s generally advisable to be really cordial and courteous to your flight attendants if you ever need to switch seats. And who knows, if you treat them badly, you might end up sitting among kids or babies who are weeping.
Planes Are Not Very Clean

Moreover, the FAA, Federal Aviation Administration isn’t in charge of cleaning procedures, so the airlines often make their own decisions regarding cleaning, which results in not-so-clean planes.