For years, the idea of predicting earthquakes has remained elusive and contentious within the scientific community. Today, our most advanced systems can provide a warning window of less than two minutes prior to an earthquake – a period that in some instances is reduced to a mere three to five seconds. But all of that may be on the verge of dramatic change, according to a groundbreaking study by French scientists Quentin Bletery, from Côte d’Azur University, and Jean-Mathieu Nocquet, from the Institut de Physique du Planète in Paris.

Today’s earthquake warning systems are reactionary in nature, dependent on swift detection of ground motion as an earthquake initiates. These alerts offer precious, if limited, time for individuals to seek safety. Predicting earthquakes in advance, however, has remained a tantalizing but largely unrealized ambition for seismologists.
The crux of the challenge lies in the complex and variable nature of seismic events. Earthquakes aren’t predictable per se, but are forecasted based on historical patterns and seismic activities in specific regions. As such, opinions within the scientific community are split as to whether earthquakes can ever be predicted or if they are fundamentally unpredictable phenomena.

This crucial shift, they suggest, begins to occur about two hours before an earthquake. Yet, the hitch is that our current technological capabilities are not sensitive enough to detect these changes at the scale of a single seismic event.
While this may appear to be a setback, it highlights a path forward. Bletery comments, “It tells us there’s something going on, and if we make significant progress in measurement – either the sensor itself, improving its sensitivity, or by just having more of them – we could be able to perceive things and make predictions.”
To implement this predictive model, GPS sensors capable of detecting movements as small as 0.1 millimeters would be required. Furthermore, many earthquake-prone regions lack the technology to monitor whether these precursory seismic activities are a universal characteristic of large earthquakes.
Roland Burgmann, head of the UC Berkeley Active Tectonics Research Group, responded to the study stating, “Although the results of Bletery and Nocquet suggest that there may indeed be an hours-long precursory phase, it is not clear whether such slow-slip accelerations are distinctly associated with large earthquakes or whether they could ever be measured for individual events with the accuracy needed to provide a useful warning.”
Despite these challenges, this pioneering research sparks a renewed dialogue about the feasibility of earthquake prediction. As we advance our technological capabilities and deepen our understanding of seismic activities, the once far-fetched dream of accurately predicting earthquakes could become a reality, potentially saving countless lives and transforming the landscape of seismic risk management.